- Portal na temat zmian klimatu - Instytut na rzecz ekorozwoju


Results of the project "Good Climate for Counties"

The project aims at activisation of local liders to work climate change mitigation and adaptation. The most noteworthy successes of the project are: 115 counties declared participation in the project, over 100 people participate in a network of Local Civil Society Initiators. The project also organised 90 local debates on climate issues, which involved over 1900 people and worked out local ideas on low-carbon development. In the future the project focusses on building the network of counties and stregthening of the climate change issue in their strategies and policies.

County Network for the Climate
Project of the network declaration "Good Climate for Counties" (PL) [download>>] How to sing the Declaration? [download>>] A map o signed declaration [download>>]

Introducing the Local Civil Society Initiators (LISO)
Network of Local Civil Society Initiators consists of 94 people, which observe 108 counties (by 2.04.2012). They are all involved in educational and social internet society.

Organization of local climate debates
There have been created and prepared 6 teams of Climate Debate Moderators [see details (PL)>>].

Project team organised 90 climate debates in Polish counties [see schedule>>].

Results of each debate are summarised as projects of county low-carbon plans [see files>>] The 9th number of project bulletin have been dedicated to the results of debates (see below).

Organizing local government regional conferences
Ist local governments climate conference. Prezentations. Photos.
IInd local governments climate conference. Report & prezentations & photos. 2nd day of conferece - video from Senate: part I, part II.

During the project prepared film "Low carbon week" [see movie on YT>>]

Carbon footprint measure
A map with information on counties chosen for calculations [see details (PL)>>]

Calculations were performed twice: in 2011 (for 2005 & 2010) and in 2015 (for 2013).


Graph with a final result of calculation for 2005 and 2010 [see graph>>]

Reports on carbon footprint calculation for (PL, PDF, about 3MB each): Kwidzyn county, Poddebice county, Starogard County, Płock city, Jaworzno city


Reports on carbon footprint calculation for (PL, PDF): Kwidzyn countyPoddebice countyStarogard CountyPłock cityJaworzno city

As part of the work carried out in 2015 we prepared the publication "Methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions..." which contains a description of the estimation of the amount of gas generated at landfills, according to the IPCCWM model. It also includes all the necessary tables and spreadsheets for counties which were subject to calculations (PL, .xls): sheet I (Starogard county), sheet II (Poddebice county), sheet III (Plock city), sheet IV (Kwidzyn county), sheet V (Jaworzono city).

Pilot Low-Carbon Development Plan

The plan is going to be prepared for Powiat Starogard Gdański according to the preliminary process scheme [see>>]

Publications (PL, .pdf):

Pilot Low-Carbon Development Plan - full version
Pilot Low-Carbon Development Plan - short version
Booklet for community 

Presentations used during the workshop works (under the text): I, II.

Promotional materials: poster, leaflet

Preparation of project information materials

There are prepared 6 leaflets, which have been printed in 5000 copies each (by 1.09.2011): Global warming and human activity (PL), Dispersed energy system and climate change mitigation (PL), Energy efficiency and climate change mitigation (PL), Transport and climate change mitigation (PL)Farming and climate change mitigation (PL), Employment and climate change mitigation (PL) and Instructions for set up of a stand for leaflets (PL)

There is a poster prepared, which have been printed in 3000 copies.

The leaflets were printed in three batches. The first edition was exhausted in spring 2012. After the application of cosmetic improvements the second edition was printed in the total number of 15 000 copies (2500 copies of each topic). The updated third edition was prepared at the beginning of 2015 (6x2500 copies). Taking into account their most relevant content, we present the leaflets from that third batch: Global warming and human activity (PL), Dispersed energy system and climate change mitigation (PL), Energy efficiency and climate change mitigation (PL), Transport and climate change mitigation (PL), Farming and climate change mitigation (PL), Employment and climate change mitigation (PL).

Quarterly bulletin of a project no. (PL): 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13121110987654321

Other products

Report on local preparation to climate change [see a document (PL) >>] (1 MB)

County Climate Package [see a document (PL) >>] (2,2 MB)

Bulletin of a project progress no.:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,

After Life Communication Plan English Version

The Layman’s Report

Reports of the project

Inception report (without attachments; Polish version, 0,5MB)

Progress report (for 31.08.2012; Polish version, no attachments; 0,7MB)

Mid-Term report (for 31.03.2012; Polish version, no attachments; 0,6 MB)

Final report (for 01.09.2010 - 31.08.2015; Polish version, no attachments; 1,7 MB)

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