- Portal na temat zmian klimatu - Instytut na rzecz ekorozwoju

Benefits for the counties

This program gives benefits to the county and its residents. By participating in it a county will be able to:

  • Analyze the state of climate protection on its territory or in county town
  • Obtain a tool for self assessment of carbon foot print, enabling control of its policy and actions for climate protection.
  • Taking advantage of free educational events and materials on climate changes directed to residents (public debates, brochures and information leaflets ).
  • Involvement in the County Network for Climate with a perspective of participating in the EU Mayors Agreement for Climate Protection, where the exchange of experience between EU local authorities may prove beneficial to particular counties.
  • Enhancing a collaboration between local authorities of municipalities, leaders and local civil society organizations.
  • Enrich their economic and development strategies with new solutions based on the use of local resources and capabilities.
  • Preparing to the use EU funds for years 2014-2020, as climate protection and adaptation to its changing conditions will be a new financial key task of the Community perspective.

Za treść materiału odpowiada wyłącznie Fundacja – Instytut na Rzecz Ekorozwoju

Portal dofinansowany ze środków Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. Za jego treść odpowiada Fundacja – Instytut na Rzecz Ekorozwoju, poglądy w nim wyrażone nie odzwierciedlają oficjalnego stanowiska Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej