
Climate changes

Areas most vulnerable to the occurrence of catastrophic weather phenomena associated with climate change in Poland

Translation of the Map Legend:

- areas of greatest flood risk

- areas of greatest drought risk

- areas of greatest risk of hurricane winds or tornadoes

- the overlap of the two types of threats

The Map is based on Climatic Water Balance of Poland for the period 1.04.2007-30.09.2007, multiyear observations of Institute of Meteorology and Water Management and internet website www.twojapogoda.pl

Map does not show areas endangered by rising sea level (Żuławy, Neighbourhood of Zalew Szczeciński, Mierzeja Wiślana and Mierzeja Helska) and diminishment of snowfall (mountain areas in the South Poland).

Tłum. Katarzyna Sołdaczuk

Za treść materiału odpowiada wyłącznie Fundacja – Instytut na Rzecz Ekorozwoju

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