

Konferencja ‘New Energy Investor Summit‘ w Zurychu

Od: 2015-05-04
Do: 2015-05-05


Szczyt dla deweloperów elektrowni wiatrowych, słonecznych i wodnych skupi się na inwestycjach w UE oraz Szwajcarii. Spotkanie odbędzie się w dniach 4-5 maja w szwajcarskim Zurychu. 

Więcej informacji

Half-hour Meetings with Top PartnersThe 5th New Energy Investor Summit is a premium event with impact.

We bring together
Top management from european financially-strong investors
Project developers
Providers of investment vehicles
Service providers in the field of renewable energy

Focus of Projects, Power Plants and Investment Vehicles
EU and Switzerland
Wind, solar and hydro power plants

Find excellent investment opportunities
Wind, solar, and hydro power plants are becoming increasingly important in the production portfolios of energy suppliers. For institutional investors direct or indirect investments in renewables are an attractive alternative in a low interest rate environment. In the current market, finding excellent investment opportunities is a challenge.

Speed Dating: New Contacts Mean New Opportunities
Through “Speed Dating” you can efficiently find a suitable business partner. During half-hour meetings, you get a feeling for the important market players and kick off new business relationships at the senior management level.
Exchange informations between presentations, panel discussions and workshops about market developments and “best practice” solutions.

Your Benefits
Meet potential clients in personal meetings.
Efficiently find new investment opportunities or co-investors.
Present your projects, power plants, investment vehicles and services to financially-strong investors.
Benefit from the expertise of other organizations such as DekaBank, Ernst & Young, Meteotest, Swiss Re, wpd and many others in lectures, panel discussions and workshops on “best practice” solutions.

Target Groups
Project developers Insurance companies
Energy providers Pension funds
Public utilities Mutual funds
Banks Industrial enterprises and service providers

Event Languages
English and German.

Za treść materiału odpowiada wyłącznie Fundacja – Instytut na Rzecz Ekorozwoju

Portal dofinansowany ze środków Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. Za jego treść odpowiada Fundacja – Instytut na Rzecz Ekorozwoju, poglądy w nim wyrażone nie odzwierciedlają oficjalnego stanowiska Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej