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About Project (12821)


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It is the first and the only project in Poland, other than the forest fire protection, which received a grant for an information and promotion campaign within the LIFE + financial instrument of the European Commission under the priority of Information and Communication. The project activities began on 1 September 2010 and will continue until the end of August 2015. The grant awarded by the LIFE + amounts to 901 685 euro (50%) and the contribution of 811 438 euro (45%) is provided by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The remaining 90 248 euro (5%) will be provided by the project partners.

The information about the Project on the official website LIFE+ (in English)

Project objectives

Active involvement of local leaders at county level in actions aimed at reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and fostering better adaptation to climate changes.

Enhancing practical measures and investments on the local level focused on climate protection and adaptation to its changes.

Beside the actions for climate protection taken at the local level, equally important is the simultaneous search for solutions that will contribute to the development of local economy and reduce the operating costs of individual entities.

Target audience

The project is addressed mainly to two target groups, i.e. local authorities and local communities on county level. Local authorities have the capacity for undertaking important tusks in the area of climate protection. Involvement of local communities is essential for the climate protection actions to be effective.

Project partners

The project is conducted by three organizations:

Institute for Sustainable Development – a non-government ecological organization in the form of foundation seat in Warsaw, project leader and coordinating beneficiary.

Community Energy Plus – British organization seated in Camborne, Cornwall, being the first low carbon region in the United Kingdom, project partner, associated beneficiary

Association of Polish Counties – an organization affiliating of Polish counties seated in Nowy Sącz, Project partner, associated beneficiary

You can learn more about LIFE+ programme on EU website [view>>]

contact coordinator of the project [mail>>]

Tłum. Katarzyna Sołdaczuk

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